jeudi 29 novembre 2007

In Our Dreams

Un autre très beau morceau du concert d'Emily Loizeau à Saint Pierre de Chartreuse le 19 juillet 2007 (enregistrement et diffusion par TV8 Mont Blanc).

It's a magical affair / We are carried in the air
And they take us by the hand / In the place where they stand

And they call us by our names / And they say we haven't changed
And we know they don't lie / If they did they wouldn't cry

And we keep them in our hearts / And our sleep keeps us apart
And the wind fails our sail / And the wind fails our sail

Sometimes they remain in silence / Sometimes they provoke violence
We are weak and they are strong / They can carry us along

And in everything they say / There is a rule that we obey
We need to stay together / 'Cause their words we need to gather

We are the sailors of the dark / We are the sailors of the dark
It's a magical affair / When they whisper in the air

And the stories that they tell/ We dont't know, but we know well

1 commentaire:

hellohlala a dit…

Whoua, formidable : les paroles que je cherche partout depuis une semaine ! (pour essayer de jouer ça, dans mon repaire de Maforêt).
Cette chanson est superbe. Je suis un vieux fan de Joni Mitchell, et cette chanson me rappelle bizarrement certains titres anciens de Joni, dans l'interprétation voix, les harmonies, mais aussi le toucher de piano.
Comme quoi, les filles (enfin, quelques-unes) sont magiques.